The Ultimate Low-carb Game-changer

[Note: This post was originally posted March 6, 2018 on a previous blog of mine]

In the past, I've only been able to sustain a low-carb, low-sugar diet for about four weeks, tops. At that point, I have usually given up and given in to my bread lust (it's a real thing). Still, I've clung onto my dream of living a life where I actually care about what I eat, and what my family eats.

I decided to give it another go about nine months ago when I took a step back and looked at my life (metaphorically speaking, of course). I saw a woman who wanted something better for herself, something about herself that she could be proud of. And that's when I decided that I was sick of this popular fantasy word we like to "diet." I realized I didn't want a temporary "I'll-stop-doing-this-once-I'm-in-shape"diet, but a lifestyle pattern I could follow

I was a couple weeks into this big change in July 2017, however, when I starting waning and losing the desire to keep on with this lifestyle. It was too hard to plan 2 different kinds of meals for my husband, who eats a relatively normal diet, and for me. I found myself depressed about how I just knew I would eventually give up. (Ever been there, sad about something that hasn't even happened yet?)

But then something miraculous happened. I discovered what I've dubbed the holy grail of all carb-depraved products: LOW. CARB. TORTILLAS.

So, I know what you're probably thinking. Low carb anything tastes like feet.

Well, not stuff I've been eating.

I first discovered La Tortilla Factory's Low Carb Whole Wheat Tortillas when I was shopping at Publix my second week into low-carbing. La Tortilla Factory boasts that their "original sized" tortillas are worth only 3g of net carbs, are non-GMO, and are not made with any kind of artificial sweetener. As a person who tries her best to buy ingredients that are not-filled, glazed, or sprinkled-with-junk, non-fake foods, I decided to give this low-carb product a try.

And it wasn't bad at all. In fact, I thought they tasted pretty good. I began using these tortillas for anything that I would've normally eaten with some form of "bread"--breakfast burritos, ham and cheese wraps, tacos, peanut butter sandwiches, and even burgers. They were such a game-changer for me! I actually began enjoying the foods I was eating, not just because they tasted good but also because I didn't have to make two different meals for me and my husband (which I had been doing up till that point). I could make many different meals that worked for both of us, as long as I had on hand my low-carb tortillas.

Feeling extremely successful two weeks after this discovery, I found myself at the same Publix again, looking for the same tortillas. I was distraught, however, to see that my Publix wasn't selling them anymore. But then my husband found these: Mission Carb Balance Tortillas. The ones I got were a little smaller than the La Tortilla ones but also boasted the same carb count of 3g, so I decided to give them a chance, too. These Mission ones ended up being a little better in my opinion than the La Tortilla Factory ones, as they were stretchier and chewier, making them much more tortilla-like.

And thus began the months that have led up to where I am today, living that low-carb, low-sugar life, with rare cheat days (okay maybe I went a little wild at Christmas...) in between.

In the near future I hope to post some of our favorite go-to meals--some of which will call for these amazing low-carb tortillas--that are both low-carb and normal-carb (lol) friendly. Stay tuned for more!

Thanks for reading!

#lowcarb #diet #lifestyle #habit #eating #food #dinner #mealprep #tortilla #naturalfood


“I discovered a meal between breakfast and brunch.”—Homer Simpson